Jun 21, 2010

Fun with names

Part 1 was here.

Part 2 is here

Q: You want to express your disappointment to Shraddha Shah. How do you do it?
A: Shraddha Shya.

Q: Kirti just stepped on poo. How do you express this?
A: Kirt-eeeee

Q: You want Rishkul to rush for a meeting. How do you ask him to?
A: Kulkarni Rush-kul

Q: How do you tell everyone that Suresh Bomisetti is the boss?
A: Suresh Bommi-seth-hi

Q: How do you tell Adhitya Iyer to do come with you first and then carry on with his work?
A: Adhi-(t)-ya Iyer

Q: How do you tell Pratap Kaul to open a tap?
A: Pra-TAP Khol

Q: How do you respond to some disgusting thing that Shilpa has done?
A: Sheeeee-lpa

Q: How do you ask Siddharth Deekshit to look at something??
A: See-dat Deekshit?

Any resembelence to any character, living or dead is purely intentional.


Preeti Ramaraj said...

pratap and siddharth beat them all!! good one :D

husain said...

isnt my name dat creative?! :-(

Harshad said...

When you want to ask who was it who was calling out Husain Kassamnath, what do you say?

Hu-said Kassamnath

husain said...

haha..dat ws a fast 1..i like :-D

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pratap said...

lol, i hadnt seen this! good good, can come up with more, but will refrain from doing so now :P