1. I can't think of any topic.
2. I can't express properly in words.
3. I manage to write half an article and then I get bored.
4. I make hell of a lot grammatical mistakes and then keep pondering over it, if it is right or wrong.
5. No one reads my blog.
6. Comments are rare to find.
7. I can write about current affairs, but no one wants to read it.
- News channel provide them with enough information.
8. Writing about current affairs is nothing but gossiping.
- People have newspapers at home to know about current affairs.
9. I cammit a lot of speling mistakes.
(Here, I did it purposely)
10. I like photography more than blogging.
The above 10 reasons seem perfect for any MU exam. Give 10 reasons why you don't want to blog. :P And the answer is just about perfect. That's what you need to crack a MU engg exam. You need to have the 'fekofying' skills. I have done that for a month now and I have had enough of it. I don't want to add such stuff in my blogs.
That is the reason, instead of writing article here, I will post some of my photographs I managed to take with my Kodak C663 digital camera in automatic mode. I still have to learn the manual functions. All pictures were taken during the SEM II exams. You just can't manage to keep me away from the camera.

This is from my neighbors terrace. This actually didn't need photography skills at all, but the view was awesome and thus, the picture. This might look to be a place outside Mumbai, in some dense jungle. But this was taken in the Konkan of Mumbai, Kamgar Nagar in Kurla. You'll find about 500 coconut trees here. And more than 10,000 trees. I wanted to take an aerial snapshot of this place, tough this covers only 25% of the entire area, I like this picture.
What got me into photography? "I don't know", I would say. I remember quite well , the 8th standard picnic when for the 1st time I had got my hands on my camera. The normal roll operated camera. I took 36 photos and none had me posing in for the photo. That had made my parents quite angry and rightly so, I would say. It wasn't free developing those rolls as it is the case with digital camera these days. But, I would say, that was the time, when I got into photography.
I have loads of pictures more to come. I hope you people like it and comment sincerely on those. Criticism is welcome. In fact, I like criticism more than praises. Praises don't bring about a change in me, criticism does.
Enjoy these pictures. More, I will post.
Once again, thanks Sidd, Kirti and Rish-i-cool!!!!!
find a house for me...i want to move there...
hey kool snapz ya!!
i liked the first part of yr blog 2!!
this wuz d first tym sum1 from outside our team of writers wrote any damn thing on our blog...so CONGO!!!N keep it up!
you have a lot of talent in you..you are great at writing..or rather you always were,continue that if u please..but it would be better if you do what your heart says..coz for now i can see that you are totally into photgraphy.do that cz that will make u happy n satified with urself to a great extend.idea of posting ur snaps here was awesome.
heyy!amazin blog ya...thou its d 1st m readin.....lukin 4wrd 2 hve more of ur blogs......mr. photographr!!!!
good pics and the reasons were pretty good
hey...din knw u r so gud at photography...awesum pix...vry efficiently taken...post sum more :)
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